슬롯 머신

영문 Man Of The House 즐거운 경찰 영화 대사

 1  영문 Man Of The House 즐거운 경찰 영화 대사-1
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※ 미리보기 이미지는 최대 20페이지까지만 지원합니다.
  • 분야
  • 등록일
  • 페이지/형식
  • 구매가격
  • 적립금
  • 레포트 > 독후감
  • 2015.06.27
  • 100페이지 / hwp
  • 1,000원
  • 30원 (구매자료 3% 적립)
자료 다운로드  네이버 로그인
영문 Man Of The House 즐거운 경찰 영화 대사에 대한 자료입니다.
Man Of The House Script
Says your source got religion
while he was in the can.
- You trust him?
- No.
Sharp, were going to a church.
Thats why I didnt bring a helicopter.
Everybody, get your hands up.
Now keep them up...
and say, "Hey!"
Say, "Oh!"
All right. Then go ahead.
We have learned from the three wise men...
The OJays...
Eddie, Walter, and the other guy...
that there is a train coming...
and it is a train of love.
Michael rowed his boat ashore.
Because he, too, wanted to get
off that water and get on the train.
Had the ticket.
And I, too, want to be on that same train.
So I will see everyone next week. Hopefully.
Percy Stevens. Whats it been?
Three to five years with time off
for good behaviour?
Sharp, how are you?
This is a church, all right?
A place thats sacred.
And it shall remain untainted.
Were looking for an old cellmate of yours,
Morgan Ball. You seen him?
Hes a key witness in one of my cases.
Come on, man.
I dont hang with that crowd anymore.
I am a prophet in a non-profit world.
Arent you worried about him getting away?
Im more worried
about him having a heart attack.
You want me to call an ambulance for you?
Look, man, I dont even know
why Im running in the first place.
Im on Gods side now.
Give us the phone, Percy.
Man, why are you all treating me
like Im some little punk kid?
Besides, the Lord says:
"He who is without sin
cast the first stone. "
- What the hell is wrong with you?
- It slipped.
Wheres the damn phone at?
Holy cow!
Its a musical cow.
Look at it. Its a miracle.
Like the parting of the Red Sea.
Or the time I saw Mike Tysons face
in a taco.
What is he doing?
No. I know hes not about to do that.
Come on, man.
He gonna really put his hand up that cow?
You cant do that.
Its against the cows rights, man.
Whats up with the...
All the way... In the hand...
Its for you.
Hey, Morgan. Calm down, man.
All units, stand by for the whereabouts
of our friend Morgan Ball.
Theyre coming in.
Texas Rangers looking for Morgan Ball!
Sure hope we dont have the wrong house!
Go to hell!
Morgan, dont run.
Eddie Zane, FBI.
How the hell did that fire start?
I dont know. We heard some shots.
- Whos in there?
- Sharp and Swanson.
You know whats in those barrels, right?
One wrong shot and we could all go.
Look, Ball, you have three choices:
You could stay in this hellhole
and burn to death.
You can come with us
and testify against John Cortland.
A and B suck.
What about C?
C is my personal favourite.
Take it easy.
Im sure theres a way
we can work out this whole thing.
Seems like its pretty
well worked out to me.
I got money. Lots of money.
If you get me out of here,
Ill make you both rich.
Look, see this key? Its yours.
Thank you. Ill put that in evidence.
Look, I cant testify. Cortland
will kill me. Its a death sentence.
Lets go outside and talk it over.
You gotta be kidding me.
Nice job, Sharp.
Whats that they say?
"Texas Rangers always get their man"?
Thats the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
You both have funny hats and funny boots.
Who can tell you apart?
- Long time, Eddie.
- More than five years.
Margaret Swanson, Eddie Zane.
Hes with the Federal Bureau of Idiots.
Id have become a Ranger
if they said my partner would look like you.
If you were a Ranger,
youd have caught this bastard by yourself.
Thats the beautiful thing
about working for the federal government.
Other people do your grunt work for you.
- Hows your daughter doing?
- Real good.
Excuse me, Im bleeding here.
Get down!
Youre gonna be okay.
Just hang in there. EMT is on the way.
Oh, my God, you guys.
It is so hot out there.
Im so hot, I think Im sweaty.
Oh, God. I need to get some air.
Oh, my God. You guys, come here.
- What?
- Just come here.
Guys, come here.
I think this guy got mugged or something.
- What?
- Where?
- Should we call the cops?
- No.
I think this guys coming to help him.
Once again, put it together...
for the lovely ladies
of your Texas Longhorn cheer squad.
What the hell happened?
I heard a shot.
I turned the corner, I got clipped.
- Did you get a good look at him?
- No.
- You okay?
- Im fine.
- I ordered for you.
- Good.
- Medium rare, right?
- Yeah.
Hows school?
You know. The usual.
Hows your mum?
I wouldnt really know.
She and Keith took up scuba diving.
Anyway, she was cleaning the house
and she wanted you to have these.
This is a beautiful picture of you
and your mum there in little bathing suits.
Oh, theres that donkey.
I keep looking for a picture of you and me,
but I guess I was always taking the pictures.
No, you were just never there.
Or that.
So, Im applying to a few colleges.
Rice, SMU and...
Yeah, Im on my way.
- Look, Ive got to...
- Go. I get it.
Im fine.
- Looks like youve been busy.
- Yes, sir.
- Hell, aint it?
- Yes, sir.