슬롯 머신

영문 Oceans12 오션스 트웰브 영화 대사

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※ 미리보기 이미지는 최대 20페이지까지만 지원합니다.
  • 분야
  • 등록일
  • 페이지/형식
  • 구매가격
  • 적립금
  • 레포트 > 독후감
  • 2015.06.27
  • 100페이지 / hwp
  • 1,000원
  • 30원 (구매자료 3% 적립)
자료 다운로드  네이버 로그인
영문 Oceans12 오션스 트웰브 영화 대사에 대한 자료입니다.
Oceans 12 Script
-howd it go?
Got a 63 Thunderbird
I wouldve sold in a day a year ago.
Now they just wanna look at the pictures.
You smell nice.
how was your day?
It was great.
We had a big breakthrough
in the Bulgari case.
We found a boot print.
A really good one.
The left heel was worn way down.
Thats a good lead.
I know.
We found a hair.
A hair, wow.
Its at the Iab.
So hopefully by noon tomorrow
well find out his DNA...
...what kind of conditioner he uses,
if he streaks his hair...
...if he has dandruff, everything.
Isnt that amazing?
That is amazing.
You know, having those
extra men really paid off.
Oh, youre just being modest.
Are you coming to bed, baby?
Im just gonna have a shower.
Dont Iet me keep you up.
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
-And you are Mr...?
-Diaz. MigueI Diaz.
-And youre here to open a...?
-A SEP retirement account.
Terrific. Oh, it says here
youre already retired.
-I am.
-What was your occupation?
I was a high school basketball coach.
You must have done
very well for yourseIf.
-Whats your name?
Greg. Let me ask you something.
Do you have safe-deposit boxes here?
Yes, theyre housed in our vauIt.
-In your vault?
-Its over years old.
Of course, weve made some
state-of-the-art upgrades since then.
You know, I was once in a vault
while it was being robbed.
That must have been quite an experience.
Thats too oxblood.
What do yall do?
My husband and I?
Well, hes retired. Just retired.
Its great. Its....
And I did work at an art gallery.
And, you know, I love art,
obviousIy, and paint and....
Thats too brown. Im sorry.
Do you mind if I--?
-hey, its your paint.
-Okay. Thank you.
May I show you something specific?
Well, I was looking
for something for my wife.
What is it, a speciaI occasion?
Its our second third anniversary.
Excuse me. hello, Mrs. Diaz,
we were just talking about you.
-Howd it go at the bank?
-It was easy.
I mean great.
No, you mean easy.
Youre doing recon work
on our anniversary?
-Let me ask you this:
-Where are you now?
-Casing a jewelry store.
Thats an interesting way to ease back
into society, which was your idea.
-Should I stop painting now?
Lets talk about something important.
I cant find a restaurant for tonight.
-Well, well stay in.
-Great. Ill cook.
-No, Ill cook. You talk.
You want me to talk?
Words and everything? Thats what
they make flowers for, you know.
-Oh, no, Danny.
-What is it?
...whats wrong?
Theres water in the basement
and the pllot llght is out.
Hang up!
hello, Tess.
Where is he, Tess?
Where is...
...Mr. Diaz?
I want it back, Tess.
I want it all back.
-You got it all from the insurance company.
-I want my money back.
The money that your husband
and his friends stole from me.
With interest. A hundred and sixty
million dollars over three years.
Thats a lot of vig.
And I want it all back.
hes got two weeks.
Youll never find them.
Theyre way too smart for you.
You know, as it turns out...
...Im not the only person in the worId
looking for Oceans .
All right.
Im the groom, and Im not supposed
to say anything, but-- Make a speech.
But I dont care what the rules are,
because I really wanna thank my family.
My mom and dad,
my Uncle Gary and Aunt Grace.
Uncle Ted, Aunt Celeste...
...and their children, Denise and Jessica.
Bishop Tom and his wife, Helen,
my neighbor John...
...and his new girlfriend, Tanya.
And all the guys at Lean Machine Inc.,
Bobo, Mullethead...
...Big Sam.
And everyone else
whos just been great...
...in weIcoming Sara
into the famlly. Thank you.
Excuse me, everybody. Id just like to--
-Get up.
-Get up.
-Get up.
-Get up. Get up.
Id like to say a few words
about commitment...
...about honor...
...about responsibility...
...about a very special someone
and admitting to her....
Get up. Pull the chair out.
Admitting to her in front of everybody...
...that her wedding...
...and that very special
honeymoon trip to Epcot Center...
...will have to be postponed.
The photographer. Jesus, hes just a friend.
You met him at The Mint, remember?
Well, of course I am.
You dont expect me to embarrass myseIf
by fIying commerciaI?
On a budget? On a budget?
Who was the onIy person who couldnt
get in on the Chinese cell-phone market?
You, with all your connections.
What was that?
he seemed really nice. And you know
its hard for guys to be friends with me.
And you do this every time
that I meet someone new.
And you know what?
Its getting really boring.
You think its a accident
no one know about Fred Bud Kelly?
Aint no accident.
Theres one expIanation...
...and you Iadies
know exactIy what it is.
Im gonna tell you what it is.
Conspiracy, collusion, compllcity.
Thats all it is.
Let me break it down like a fraction for you
about my man Fred Bud Kelly.
Fred Bud Kelly made skates
out of whiskey bottIes...
...at his uncIes farm in the earIy s.
That was over there in Nova Scotia.
Im gonna tell you something else. You
never seen his name on the StanIey Cup.
You know why that is?