슬롯 머신

영문 Gingerbread Man 진저브레드맨 영화 대사

 1  영문 Gingerbread Man 진저브레드맨 영화 대사-1
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※ 미리보기 이미지는 최대 20페이지까지만 지원합니다.
  • 분야
  • 등록일
  • 페이지/형식
  • 구매가격
  • 적립금
  • 레포트 > 독후감
  • 2015.05.29
  • 100페이지 / hwp
  • 4,000원
  • 120원 (구매자료 3% 적립)
자료 다운로드  네이버 로그인
영문 Gingerbread Man 진저브레드맨 영화 대사에 대한 자료입니다.
Gingerbread Man Script
Life sentence if found guilty...
defense attorney rick magruder argued
That police posing as drug
merchants were overzealous...
Weve also got tropical storm geraldo
Milling around out in the atlantic...
Winds are miles per hour...
Its what weve been saying all along.
Rick, how did you end up triumphing in this case?
This is about proving that
no one is above the law,
Not even the law enforcement
officers themselves.
This is the latest from
the national hurricane center.
It is moving to the northeast...
. degrees west, but look at this...
but look at this...
From jacksonville all the way up to cape hatteras,
But it looks like national
hurricane center...
later as this hurricane continues...
Come on! I dont give a damn what you come at us with.
of floridas finest just
let him walk in criminal.
You think civils
gonna work differently?
You move it uptown it will,
Where the jury
will use some logic.
When you geniuses at d. A. Gonna learn
That logic runs a distant second
to god, country, and color?
We intend to invoke all .
And thats why I vacation in the Canary Islands
And you guys get your news
from the bottom of a bird cage.
You took a -Year vet
And kicked the living daylights
out of him.
He blew procedure. Lied on
the stand, suppressed evidence.
Come on, terry.
Im a big supporter of cops,
But theres only one set of
rules if you read them or not.
What about morality?
Morality in law?
Who told you that,
the great lawyer fairy?
My job is to protect my client.
I dont know about you
or the cops or anybody else,
But im making like hank snow
and moving on.
If you want to push for civil,
You go ahead,
ill see you in court.
Defense attorney rick
magruder argued that police
Posing as drug merchants
were overzealous...
I told yall not to
leave those on the sofa.
Is the phone in here?
Were watching dad on tv.
Hey, betty, its mr. Magruder.
How are the kids?
Theyre fine.
Im about to fix...
Oh, my gosh,
youre on the tv.
I must have done
pretty well today.
Is leeanne around?
No. Mr. Alden came by
and picked her up.
Mr. Alden, huh?
Hey, kids, your daddys
on the phone.
Hi, dad.
Hey, how you doin,
Ok. One of the guys on tv said
you were a snake oil salesman,
And I told jeff you couldnt be
cause youre still a lawyer.
Youre right, honey.
You dont believe
everything you see on tv.
I guess not.
I told you, jeff.
Daddy said so.
Hes still a lawyer.
Youre not fooling me.
Dads still on tv.
You guys quit fighting.
Listen, I love you both and
ill see you tomorrow, ok?
Bye, dad.
Yeah, bye, honey.
Dunson, hess, and magruder.
Konnie, its rick.
Put me through to lois?
Yes, mr. Magruder.
One second, please.
Lois, its rick.
Well, if it isnt
the golden boy.
I just caught a glimpse
of you on the : .
Didnt I tell you
not to wear that tie?
I like that tie.
Its good luck.
Are you coming
by the office?
You read my mind.
Hows a nice quiet dinner
at the pink house sound?
Ricky, id love to, but
were just swamped here.
But swing on by. Well grab
something a little later.
Ill come by, lo.
All right.
Shh shh shh!
Are we ever gonna
fix this door?
Oh, what is this?
Is this you?
Im sorry. I was
dying to tell you,
But the boys
made me swear.
Let me take your stuff.
Is this all for me?
I dont drink
Ive got yours.
You are a psychic.
What are you doing here?
Real good to see you here.
I appreciate it.
Who are all these people?
Do I know all these people?
Well, look whos here.
You didnt wear
that costume.
I knew you were going
to mention this suit.
It worked.
I want to tell you
That you did a superb job
in jacksonville.
This is the first time
a savannah lawyers
Won a case down there
in years.
years? Judge winslow
sends his regards.
What is that?
Hey, Lois.
You put this girl
up to this?
Lois, this is his night now.
I know. Were going
to take care of him.
Thank you for this.
This is a big surprise.
You doin all right?
Do we have to do this?
Theres still a table
at the pink house.
Oh, boy.
I wanted to warn you.
Why is she here?
Ill talk to her.
Ill see you later.
Hey, leeanne.
Congratulations, rick.
Got a little lipstick
Thank you. Hey, carl.
I thought I recognized
that lincoln.
Yes, she is
a beauty, isnt she?
Didnt spoil the surprise,
but the license gives it away.
Thats clever. Youre an
attorney and it says attorney.
Works every time.
Everyones very happy
for you.
I know how hard
you worked this case.
We got lucky.
We had a good run.
Marvelous knack
of making the cops
Look absolutely
rotten, id say.
No matter what side
of the law youre on,
You got to play
by the rules.
Thats exactly what you
told the jury, wasnt it?
We lay out the evidence,
let them do the right thing.
So, why didnt they?
Ill get us
a couple of drinks.
Id love another bacardi
and cranberry.
Thanks, honey.
Yeah, thanks, honey.
Aw, dont thank me.
So, I thought youd
given up on attorneys.
Well, everyones
got their thing.
Is that what it is?
What do you call someo