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영문 ALIENNATION 에이리언 네이션 영화 대사

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※ 미리보기 이미지는 최대 20페이지까지만 지원합니다.
  • 분야
  • 등록일
  • 페이지/형식
  • 구매가격
  • 적립금
  • 레포트 > 독후감
  • 2015.06.27
  • 100페이지 / hwp
  • 1,000원
  • 30원 (구매자료 3% 적립)
자료 다운로드  네이버 로그인
영문 ALIENNATION 에이리언 네이션 영화 대사에 대한 자료입니다.
Original Screenplay by Rockne S. OBannon
Rewrite by James Cameron
October 1987
A LONG LENS SHOT of a far distant metallic object hovering
just above the ground -- maybe two or three miles away.
The heat waves and the light refraction off the desert-
scape make the object undulate rhythmically, keeping its
true shape and appearance indistinct.
The VIDEO CAMERA recording this scene zooms back, then
pans over -- revealing a semicircle of US Army vehicles
and personnel. Army Engineers with their tripod-mounted
scopes and binoculars are shoulder to shoulder with the
armed infantry. Everyone stares off at the same point on
the horizon. Waiting.
The VIDEO CAMERA movements are HANDHELD, unsteady, as it
moves through the line of Army personnel to reveal a
second, less organized semicircle of observers fifty yards
behind the Army. LOCALS from nearby towns perch in truck
beds and on car roofs, Budweiser and Fritos at hand, eyes
glued to the distant object.
The VIDEO CAMERA image climbs up onto the roof of a parked
local TV van, finds the object again in the distance,
zooms in, and waits, like everyone else.
Abruptly the VIDEO IMAGE contracts, becoming a box
That was the scene in Californias
Mojave Desert three years ago today
-- the historic first view of the
Newcomer ship upon its dramatic
arrival. As with the assassination
of John Kennedy, who among us does
not remember exactly where he was
that October nineteenth morning,
when news first broke: that people
have landed... from another star.
We PULL BACK from a large television set to reveal...
The Hollowpoint Lounge -- a cop bar.
The off-duty uniformed and plainclothes cops are mostly
ignoring the TV, except for two detectives, FEDORCHUK and
ALTEREZ, who are waiting for the ball scores.
I remember where I was -- pissing
off my balcony at the neighbors
Others laugh.
(yells at Crais on TV)
Get to the goddamn ball scores!
ON THE TV SCREEN, an on-location interview with a CAL-TECH
PROFESSOR comes up. Her name and title appear across the
bottom of the screen.
From the time mankind first gazed up
at the stars there had been
speculation about a visit by people
from "out there." How ironic that
when that first contact was made,
the two hundred and sixty thousand
occupants aboard the craft were as
surprised as we were about their
arrival. That they awakened from
frozen hibernation to find their
malfunctioning autopilot had landed
them here by mistake.
The CNN reporter, Duncan Crais, appears again.
These "Newcomers," we soon learned,
were a genetically-engineered race,
adapted for hard labor in almost any
environmental condition. In effect,
their ship was a slave ship...
washed ashore on Earth with no way
to get back to where they came
A dishwasher tray filled with beer glasses CUTS ACROSS
FRAME, and we PAN WITH IT as it is slammed down on the
Now an interview with a FRESNO HOUSEWIFE standing outside
a supermarket comes on the TV SCREEN.
When the Newcomers were first let
out of the ship, they were
quarantined in a camp not ten miles
from the town here. You can imagine
how the people around here felt
about that. But once they were
releases from the camp and we got a
chance to know them, we saw what
nice, quiet people they really are...
revealing a MASSIVE ALIEN FIGURE in a filthy white
busboys uniform. His back is to us as he picks up two
trays from the counter. The bartender is dwarfed by this
Newcomer, but works around him without apparent concern.
Fedorchuk addresses the alien busboy.
Hey, Henry, how you doin tonight?
Workin hard?
The Newcomer turns -- his face is humanoid, but
disturbingly alien.
You got your green card, buddy? You
didnt leave home without it?
The cops at the bar crack up. Henry looks at Fedorchuk --
his eyes carrying no malice... or pain. He merely blinks.
An explosion of color and movement as OPENING TITLES PLAY
very quickly. Were TRAVELING the streets in a n.d.
sedan, getting MOVING GLIMPSES of the aliens living among
us now:
-- A coffee shop where aliens eat at some window tables.
-- A Newcomer leaving a night school with an armload of
-- A city park where a number of alien families have
gathered to play some arcane alien game.
Jeez... they call that gang-bang a
-- A billboard for Pepsi featuring an alien.
-- The sedan has pulled to a stop at a red light.
Suddenly a hand thumps against the glass next to Sykes
head... and alien hand. Sykes jumps. Its a NEWCOMER
DERELICT standing there, weaving, mumbling in his own
language. In one filthy hand holds a quart carton of
milk. We know immediately what he wants. Sykes rolls
down the window.
Take a hike.
Sykes gets a whiff of the derelicts breath as the light