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영문 The FlyII플라이 영화 대사

 1  영문 The FlyII플라이 영화 대사-1
 2  영문 The FlyII플라이 영화 대사-2
 3  영문 The FlyII플라이 영화 대사-3
 4  영문 The FlyII플라이 영화 대사-4
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※ 미리보기 이미지는 최대 20페이지까지만 지원합니다.
  • 분야
  • 등록일
  • 페이지/형식
  • 구매가격
  • 적립금
  • 레포트 > 독후감
  • 2015.05.29
  • 61페이지 / hwp
  • 4,000원
  • 120원 (구매자료 3% 적립)
자료 다운로드  네이버 로그인
영문 The FlyII플라이 영화 대사에 대한 자료입니다.
The Fly II Script
Theres something wrong.
I can feel it.
Now, stop screaming,
take a deep breath and. . . .
Somethings wrong, goddamn it.
Do something! Help her!
Youre too excitable, Mr. Borans.
Take him somewhere to calm down.
Screaming will not help anyone now.
Hold her steady.
-Why wasnt I notified sooner?
-Sorry, Mr. Bartok.
We called when labor began.
Oh, my God!
Just get it out of me!
Come on! Get it out of me!
No! Just get it out of me!
Get it out!
You said it wasnt gonna be like this!
You promised!
Push, Ronnie.
Its coming.
Push, push.
Cut the
umbilical cord Get the Pitocin.
Were losing her.
All clear.
Is there something moving in here?
All clear.
Shes gone.
Dr. Jainway, do not think
this child is a laboratory animal.
I want you to take care of him
as though he were my very own.
You will all answer to Dr. Jainway.
She, in turn, will answer to me.
I, in turn, will answer
to nobody but God.
From Gods mouth to your ears,
that is the chain of command.
Is that understood?
Here we have
an average 1 1 -month-old child.
And here we have our
1 1 -month-old child.
As you can see, his life cycle is
dramatically accelerated.
Now, these are aberrant chromosomes.
Obviously a product
of genetic mutation.
These are all dormant, something
in addition to accelerated growth.
And his non-genetic characteristics?
His learning abilities, for example.
Hes got a photographic memory.
He doesnt just learn,
he consumes information.
And he never sleeps.
Is that so?
Do you like him?
Well, as a clinical subject,
I find him astonishing.
But he does try our patience when
it comes to medical examinations.
I think its time our young guest
and I became acquainted.
Were not interrupting, are we?
Not at all, Mr. Bartok.
What a handsome young man you are.
Do you know who I am?
Yes, youre one of the people
who lives behind the mirror.
Well, my name is Mr. Bartok.
Id like you to think
of me as your dad.
Martin. . .
. . .whats that behind your ear?
You know, its knowing the right
magic word that makes it happen.
Its a real magic word, a secret word
that you keep locked away. . .
. . .inside your heart
and you never tell anybody.
No, you dont tell anybody,
and thats what makes the magic work.
Martin, are you listening to me?
Dr. Shepard. . .
. . .I dont mean to be rude
by not facing you.
But those tests are far too simple to
demand my full attention.
Besides, Im almost finished.
So am l, Martin.
I just have to time you on this maze,
and we can both do something we enjoy.
Very impressive, Martin.
People, may I have your attention?
Ive grown tired of your
trivial influence.
Another outburst and Ill be forced
to make an example of you.
Youve outdone yourself.
But what else does it do?
Keep still, Martin. Stop fidgeting.
Is Mr. Bartok gonna visit today?
You know how busy he is.
He has that project in zone four.
Oh, yeah.
Can I go visit him?
-Of course not, youre not allowed.
Because you dont have
zone four clearance.
How much longer do I have
to take these shots for?
As long as you would like to live.
Why dont I have clearance?
Because youre only a zone three
project. Youre fidgeting.
Its normal behavior.
I read it in a book for mothers.
Want to see?
No, thank you.
Now, sit still or Mr. Bartok
will be very disappointed in you.
You know, I got this disease. . .
. . .so rare, theres only been
two people whove ever had it.
My father.
And now me.
They even named it after him.
Its called Brundles
Accelerated Growth Syndrome.
The doctors say it means Im growing
up a lot faster than Im supposed to.
Which isnt so bad, I guess.
But I think it also means that
Im gonna die a lot sooner.
Which isnt so great.
Today is your lucky day, Martin.
Lamb chops and French fries.
Your favorite, isn t it?
Yes, sir.
Initiate sequence, please.
Its okay.
It worked! Hes moving around.
Hes still alive!
How the hell did he get in here?
Whats wrong?
-Happy birthday.
-Thank you, everybody.
Blow out the candles.
Dont forget to make a wish.
Martin, the whole team
wants you to know. . .
. . .how happy we are to share
your fifth birthday.
Whats your wish?
You know what I want?
Your privacy.
And I think its
about time you got it.
Say the magic word. . .
. . .and make the mirror disappear.
-I dont think I should go too far--
-Nonsense, its a beautiful day.
Fresh air will do you good.
You should get out more often.
You mean, this is mine?
This is my place?
Your place.
Your private place.
No more mirrors, no more prying eyes.
So do you like it?
I know it hasnt been easy growing up
in such a clinical environment.
Due to your unique affliction,
its been unavoidable.
Youve been very good to me.
I dont know how to thank you.
Perhaps I can think of something.
Id like you to consider taking
a position here at Bartok lndustries.
-Something challenging.
To keep you from being bored.
A match for your intellect,
your creative mind.
Im talking about a job.
Five years
and millions of dollars later. . .
. . .and what w