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영문 Divine Secrets Of The YaYa Sisterhood 행복한 비밀 영화 대사

 1  영문 Divine Secrets Of The YaYa Sisterhood 행복한 비밀 영화 대사-1
 2  영문 Divine Secrets Of The YaYa Sisterhood 행복한 비밀 영화 대사-2
 3  영문 Divine Secrets Of The YaYa Sisterhood 행복한 비밀 영화 대사-3
 4  영문 Divine Secrets Of The YaYa Sisterhood 행복한 비밀 영화 대사-4
 5  영문 Divine Secrets Of The YaYa Sisterhood 행복한 비밀 영화 대사-5
 6  영문 Divine Secrets Of The YaYa Sisterhood 행복한 비밀 영화 대사-6
 7  영문 Divine Secrets Of The YaYa Sisterhood 행복한 비밀 영화 대사-7
 8  영문 Divine Secrets Of The YaYa Sisterhood 행복한 비밀 영화 대사-8
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 19  영문 Divine Secrets Of The YaYa Sisterhood 행복한 비밀 영화 대사-19
 20  영문 Divine Secrets Of The YaYa Sisterhood 행복한 비밀 영화 대사-20
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  • 분야
  • 등록일
  • 페이지/형식
  • 구매가격
  • 적립금
  • 레포트 > 독후감
  • 2015.05.29
  • 100페이지 / hwp
  • 4,000원
  • 120원 (구매자료 3% 적립)
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영문 Divine Secrets Of The YaYa Sisterhood 행복한 비밀 영화 대사에 대한 자료입니다.
Divine Secrets Of The Ya Ya Sisterhood Script
Come on!
Hurry up!
These are the headdresses...
...of the queens that have gone
before us.
They come from Indian holy ground...
...the jungles of the ancients...
...prairies of the Norwegians...
...and the forests
of the mighty Amazons.
The royal crowns of our people.
This is the blood of our people.
The wolf people...
...the alligator people...
...and the moon women...
...from which we gain our strengths
to rule all worlds.
Its okay, its just chocolate.
Teensy Melissa Whitman,
I declare you...
...Princess Naked As a Jaybird.
Caro Eliza Bennett,
I crown you Duchess Soaring Hawk.
Necie Rose Kelleher,
I crown you Countess Singing Cloud.
And l, Viviane Joan Abbott,
am hereby and forever...
...Queen Dancing Creek.
Wait. I dont think we should
cut ourselves with that knife.
We are the flames of the fires,
the whirling of the winds.
We are the waters of the rains
and the rivers and the oceans.
We are the rocks and the stones.
And now, by the power
invested in me, I declare...
...we are the mighty
Ya-Ya priestesses.
Let no man put us under.
Now our blood flows through each other
as its done for all eternity.
Loyal forever.
We raise our voices
in the words of mumbo gumbo.
- Ya-Ya!
- Ya-Ya!
My mother.
What can I say about my mother?
Theres nobody
like Vivi Abbott Walker.
Shell be the first one
to tell you that.
Mom was loaded with charm,
looks, the whole package.
- But damaged.
- Wounded.
- The most charming wounded person ever.
- Wounded? How?
By the times as much as anything.
She had star quality.
She wanted a bigger life than being
a cotton farmers wife with four kids.
I dont know.
Shes just too complex.
She can be alarmingly simple...
...and then, suddenly dark
and complicated.
Sidda, is that it?
We dont want to burn the place down.
Is that it?
Thats exactly it.
But she danced her way through it.
Everybody smoked too much,
drank too much, fought too much.
The women manipulated, the men hid out,
huddled in their duck camps...
...waiting for the storm to pass.
And yet, it seems like
theyre mostly having fun.
When you say "dark,"
you mean angry? Violent?
Even though she knew how
to handle a switch or a belt.
Oh, no!
They came from the "spare the rod,
spoil the child" philosophy.
I owe all my creativity to her.
If my childhood was easy,
Id have nothing to write about.
"The daughter of a tap-dancing,
child-abuser of a mother...
...and a distant,
emotionally absent fath..."
Oh, shit! Oh, shit, Connor!
- God, this is a disaster.
- Its a little harsh.
- I didnt mean it that way!
- Calm down.
You dont understand.
Give me a Xanax. Please.
Opening nights only, babe.
And thats your rule.
All I can say is, I hope
this is not a real emergency...
...because I only brought
one bottle of vodka.
Were here!
I got this.
That ungrateful bitch!
Whod have thought
shed be the one to do me in?
Here, b, take a swallow.
It needs Tabasco.
Oh, my God. How?!
How could she do it?
She was supposed to be the good one!
You know how long
I was in labor with her?
- Two hours, not even.
- Well, it felt longer!
- Never speak to Time magazine.
- That writer probably trumped that up.
Those Yankees like to make us out
to be alligator-wrestling bigots.
You should call Sidda, get the facts.
Teensy, since you quit drinking,
you dont think.
How can I possibly call somebody
who no longer exists?
Get the phone.
Oh, my God, thats her.
Do not pick up the phone.
Connor, dont pick up the phone!
Connor, dont! Dont do it.
- Hello, Connor.
- Hello, Vivi, how are you?
Well, just lovely.
Thank you for asking. Is she there?
- Why did you do that?
- Shes fine.
Talk to her.
Give it to me! Give it to me!
Sidda, shell have to call you back.
Tell her shes dead!
Shes dead to me!
Well, what did she say?
Im sick and tired of her tantrums
and drunken rages!
I heard the ice in the glass, Mama!
Sounds of my happy childhood!
Why do you let her get to you?
Whats wrong with a nice simple:
"Hi, Mom, love you too, see you later"?
- Whats wrong with that?
- With normal people, youd be right!
- But Vivi Walker...
- Whos a grown woman...
Has never gotten over anything
in her privileged, booze-soaked life!
Shep, come here!
- Oh, my God, shes gonna do it.
- What?
Look, shes gonna marry that boy.
I mean, that man.
One: does that mean
you two are speaking?
And two: how much
is it gonna cost me?
When is it?
And where is it?
Dont answer it, its her. Dont!
Hello, Vivi!
Well, hello, Connor.
Did you call to talk to Sidda
or to hang up?
Tell her I received the invitation...
...and all Ill be sending
is my condolences to you.
Ill say to you exactly what Id say
to my own mother: grow up.
Same thing goes for you.
Both of you are acting like children.
Did she just hang up on me?
She hung up on me.
How has your old man hung in there
for forty-odd years?
For one thing, she moved out
of the bedroom sometime in the s...
...so hes had a lot
of time to himself.
- What, he snores?
- He breathes.
There are some things