슬롯 머신

글로벌 SPA 의류 브랜드 자라 ZARA 전략경영(영문)

 1  글로벌 SPA 의류 브랜드 자라 ZARA 전략경영(영문)-1
 2  글로벌 SPA 의류 브랜드 자라 ZARA 전략경영(영문)-2
 3  글로벌 SPA 의류 브랜드 자라 ZARA 전략경영(영문)-3
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 19  글로벌 SPA 의류 브랜드 자라 ZARA 전략경영(영문)-19
※ 미리보기 이미지는 최대 20페이지까지만 지원합니다.
  • 분야
  • 등록일
  • 페이지/형식
  • 구매가격
  • 적립금
자료 다운로드  네이버 로그인
글로벌 SPA 의류 브랜드 자라 ZARA 전략경영(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
(A brief description of Earlier stage)

a. Summary of Proposal

b. Summary of analysis1

c. Summary of analysis2

(Evaluation criteria)

a. Strategic requirements

b. Operational requirements

c. Operational performance

d. Firm performance

(Request for provider information)

a. Statement of experience of provider

b. Resumes of project personnel

Summary of Proposal

reason of select and expected value of strategies

As fast food chains which provide quick meals to people has played an important role in today's busy society, the way of producing clothes has also become faster. Clothing industry is hard to keep in control because of fast changing needs of customers. However, Zara the clothing brand of Spain has maintained at the world's top SPA brand over twenty years based on its strategy of purchase and operational connection. Also, Zara has expanded to Asia and influencing Korea as well.

To Zara, fashion is about customers needs and reactions interacting with new designs and therefore produce a better product. For this, Zara especially focused on flexibility and vertical steps of production line to quickly adapt to fast changing customers' needs. Our group believes that hospitality business is also related to this fact and if we follow the steps of Zara's strategy then this can be a great step forward to hospitality business.
자라 리테일 코리아 주식회사의 제무제표에 대한 감사보고서와
인디텍스사의 주식 발행 현황 (2011-09-21)에 대한 자료.
INDITEX의 Press dossier
한국형 패션 비즈니스모델 개발 - 에이다임 컨소시엄
HBS : 2006.11.21 Fast fashion을 위한 IT

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