슬롯 머신

노스스타 3,4 해석및 답안

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노스스타 3,4 해석및 답안에 대한 자료입니다.
A counterfactual conditional, subjunctive conditional (가정법의 조건문, second conditional), or remote conditional, is a conditional (or "if-then") statement indicating what would be the case if its antecedent were true. This is to be contrasted with an indicative conditional,(직설법의 조건문) which indicates what is (in fact) the case if its antecedent is (in fact) true.
The subjunctive mood is a verb mood typically used in dependent clauses to express wishes, commands, emotion, possibility, judgment, opinion, necessity, or statements that are contrary to fact at present.

Compare these Examples:
(1) Lisa has lost her watch. She tells Sue:
Lisa: I’ve lost my watch. Have you seen it anywhere?
Sue: No, but if I find it, I’ll tell you.
In this example, Sue feel there is a real possiblility that she will find the watch. So she says: if I find . . . , I’ll . . .

(2) Joe says:
If I found a wallet in the street, I’d take it to the police station.
This is a different type of situation. Here, Joe doesn’t expect to find a wallet in the street; he is imagining a situation that will probably not happen. So he says:
If I found . . ., I’d (=I would) . . . (not if I find . . ., I’ll . . . )

하고 싶은 말
다른것 일일히 찾을 필요 없습니다. 그냥 이거 하나만 받으시면 해석 답 (+추가 해설)등등 수업을 받으면서 받았던 자료까지 함께 다 있습니다.(지금 압축파일 중 처음 것만 미리보기가 되어서 그런데 파일만 13개 페이지는 100페이지 이상임, 그냥 해캠에 있는 자료 다있다고 보면됨)
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