슬롯 머신

새만금 개발 계획(영문)

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※ 미리보기 이미지는 최대 20페이지까지만 지원합니다.
  • 분야
  • 등록일
  • 페이지/형식
  • 구매가격
  • 적립금
자료 다운로드  네이버 로그인
새만금 개발 계획(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
1) The Saemangeum Project
2) Location and area
3) History
(2) Development plans
1) Top 6 strategies
3) Development directions
(3)ARIUL Project (Focuses on commercial)
1) Tourism & Leisure
2) Multifunctional city
(4) SWOT of Saemangeum

3-5.RoppongiHills arena
A city plaza where there's always something going on: endless new and exciting encounters.(Japanese Only
Roppongi Hills in the middle of gathering a variety of cultural, urban outdoor entertainment space, "Roppongi Hills Arena" was born. Roppongi Hills Arena is an open space with a roof, some with up to overall performance on stage live events round the square, allowing a variety of deployment. Oval spaces are finished with a step in the gradual relaxing wood deck, inside diameter of 11m continuously changing facial expressions are established fountain equipment. Also, the sky is provided with retractable canopy, has gained a unique view of an outdoor functions and a half
3-6.TOHO CINEMA .RoppongiHills
TOHO CINEMAS ROPPONGI HILLS is a mega-cinema complex with nine screens and seating for around 2,100.(Japanese Only)

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 9:00 am - 24:00 Hours
9:00 - 5:00 Friday, Saturday morning before holidays
Hours are subject to change ※. For questions, please contact the theater.
Rates Standard Rate
General ¥ 1,800 / Teens Large ¥ 1,500 / child in elementary school (age 3-4) ¥ 1,000 / Senior (age 60 ~) ¥ 1,000
Save 50 couples (two couples in either 50 years or older) ¥ 2,000 / Disabled discount ¥ 1,000 / ¥ 3,000 Premier Screen
3D viewing fee
We encourage you to watch 3D movies you rate the works of other screenings, plus ¥ 300
※ For details, please contact the theater.

Day of each month ★, March 14, 1000 yen a movie!
Wednesdays ★ The Redisudei. 1000 yen for women!
If you are over age 60 ★ The uniform 1000 yen at any time!
Premier screen except ※. Discount coupons can not be combined.

Contact 03-5775-6090
Please note the correct phone number multiplied ※.
(Contact Customer Service About 24 FAX-hour tape)
※ AM 10:00 ~ 9:00 PM, you can transfer to operators.
TOHO Cinemas Roppongi Hills official website


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