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[국제경영] nestle(네슬레)의 글로벌 전략 사례

 1  [국제경영] nestle(네슬레)의 글로벌 전략 사례-1
 2  [국제경영] nestle(네슬레)의 글로벌 전략 사례-2
 3  [국제경영] nestle(네슬레)의 글로벌 전략 사례-3
 4  [국제경영] nestle(네슬레)의 글로벌 전략 사례-4
 5  [국제경영] nestle(네슬레)의 글로벌 전략 사례-5
 6  [국제경영] nestle(네슬레)의 글로벌 전략 사례-6
 7  [국제경영] nestle(네슬레)의 글로벌 전략 사례-7
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[국제경영] nestle(네슬레)의 글로벌 전략 사례에 대한 자료입니다.
1. What is the company’s strategy with regard to business development in emerging markets? Does this strategy make sense?

2. From an organizational perspective, what is required for this strategy to work effectively?

3. How would you describe Nestle’s strategic posture at the corporate level; is it pursuing global strategy, a multi-domestic strategy, an international strategy, or a transnational strategy?

4. Is Nestle’s management structure and philosophy aligned with its overall strategic posture?

The multi-domestic strategy has some characteristics. Resources are dispersed throughout the various countries where the firm does business, decision-making authority is pushed down to the local level, and each business unit is allowed to customize product and market offerings to specific needs. The corporation as a whole foregoes the benefits that could be derived from centralization and coordination of diverse activities. In short, Global integration is low and Local responsiveness pressure is high.
In these points of view, we can regard the Netsle’s global strategy as multi-domestic strategy. For instance, from the case, Nestlé has established a network of factories in five countries in hopes that each will someday supply the entire region with different products. The company currently makes ice cream in Dubai, soups and cereals in Saudi Arabia, yogurt and bouillon in Egypt, chocolate in Turkey, and ketchup and instant noodles in Syria. For the present, Nestlé can survive in these markets by using local materials and focusing on local demand. It uses countries as a process factory and every working procedure in different countries which is good at something. Realize greater cost economies from experience effects by serving an expanded global market from a central location, thereby reducing the costs of value creation.

4. Is Nestle’s management structure and philosophy aligned with its overall strategic posture?

 Nestle’s structure
As mentioned above, Nestle’ is a decentralized organization. Responsibility for operating decisions is pushed down to local units, which typically enjoy a high degree of autonomy with regard to decisions involving pricing, distribution, marketing, human resources, and so on. At the same time, the company is organized into seven worldwide strategic business units that have responsibility for high-level strategic decisions and business development.
Since 1866, Nestlé's fundamental approach to business has been the creation of long-term sustainable value for our consumers, customers, shareholders, employees and the society as a
The World of Nestle. www.nestle.com
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