슬롯 머신

[경영기획] Trekking Park 사업 추진 전략(영문)

 1  [경영기획] Trekking Park 사업 추진 전략(영문)-1
 2  [경영기획] Trekking Park 사업 추진 전략(영문)-2
 3  [경영기획] Trekking Park 사업 추진 전략(영문)-3
 4  [경영기획] Trekking Park 사업 추진 전략(영문)-4
 5  [경영기획] Trekking Park 사업 추진 전략(영문)-5
 6  [경영기획] Trekking Park 사업 추진 전략(영문)-6
 7  [경영기획] Trekking Park 사업 추진 전략(영문)-7
 8  [경영기획] Trekking Park 사업 추진 전략(영문)-8
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 12  [경영기획] Trekking Park 사업 추진 전략(영문)-12
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 16  [경영기획] Trekking Park 사업 추진 전략(영문)-16
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 19  [경영기획] Trekking Park 사업 추진 전략(영문)-19
 20  [경영기획] Trekking Park 사업 추진 전략(영문)-20
※ 미리보기 이미지는 최대 20페이지까지만 지원합니다.
  • 분야
  • 등록일
  • 페이지/형식
  • 구매가격
  • 적립금
자료 다운로드  네이버 로그인
[경영기획] Trekking Park 사업 추진 전략(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
1. Introduction to Problem
1-1. Reason for Selection
2. Theoretical Study of Trekking
2-1. Trekking
2-2. Elements Needed for Trekking
3. Market Analysis
3-1. Overseas Trekking Market
3-2. Internal Trends
3-3. Competitor Analysis
3-4. Laws and Regulations
4. Customer Analysis
4-1. Customer Expectations
4-2. Customer Needs
4-3. Potential Customer Demands
4-3-1. Customer Image
4-3-2. How to Participate
4-3-3. Important Factors in Trekking
4-3-4. Service wanted
4-3-5. Participating period
4-3-6. Seasonality

5. About the Operation
5-1. Introduction
5-1-1. Business Objectives
5-1-2. Corporate Identity
5-1-3. Mission & Vision
5-1-4. Organization Chart
5-2. SWTO Analysis
5-3. Profit Structure
5-4. Growth Rate of Sales
6. Marketing Mix -8P
6-1. Price
6-2. Product
6-3. Promotion
6-4. Place
6-5. Physical Evidence
6-6. Participants-People
6-7. Payable
6-8. Pleasure
7. Customer Relationship
8. Conclusion
4 Customer Analysis
4-1 Customer Expectations
Young age Mid-life Late-life
Interest Adventure, Challenge Adventure, Relaxation Leisure, Health
Company Peers, Friends, Lovers,
Circle members Friend, Lover, Circle member, Family, Lover
Leisure Travelling, Experiencing
Leisure Travelling, Leisure, Fishing, Experiencing Travelling, Climbing
Leisure Time Weekends, Holidays
Vacation season Weekends, Holidays A lot of free time
Life style Interested in many things but interest changes quickly. Follow close friends Too much leisure time.
Habits The number of consumption is great but does not last Financially un-challenged enjoys travelling Spends a lot of money
Influence on other
Consumers Very active WOM Active WOM Tell close relatives
We can see that our core customers who are the 20s and 30s are interested in adventure and prefer going places with a friend or their lovers. We can also see that the 20s and 30s enjoy very active leisure activities. But because of the lack of free time their leisure time is limited.
Even though they have many different interests they do not stay interested in one interest. As they usually hang out with friends and peers so the WOM is great.
4-2 Customer Needs
As trekking is done outdoors it is important to keep the participants physical health intact to achieve a more qualitative experience. So before participating it is essential to know the participant’s state of health.
Age(Years Old) Attributes Considerations & Desires
Infant 2 to 3 • Guardian needed • Unsuitable
3 to 6 • Just for an hour
• Need plenty of rest before / after trekking
Child 7 to 9 •Curious and Inquisitive • Want various programs
• Suitable for a 1 day course
• Need water every 15~30 minutes
9 to 12 • Able to do sports • Want various programs
• Can participate in a 1 week course.
• Need water every 15~30 minutes
(13 to 18) • Able to choose leisure activities by oneself
• Able to participate in trekking with others • Can divide into group programs and
individual programs
• Prefer participating with friends
(19 to 35) • Enjoys free time • Courses for individual preferences
Middle Aged
(35 to 60) • Sports for health
• Well-off economically • Activities where participants can chat
• Family trekking
(Older than 60) • Hard to perform sports
activity • Weather and pre-exercise is important

4-3 Potential Customer Demands
Through the survey we were able to find out an approximate number of participants and their thoughts on trekking. As our core customers are the 20s and 30s our survey was done on them.
I have heard of trekking * I will take part in new activities 교차표
I will take part in new activities 전체
Never So So Not Bad Yes Absolutely
I have heard of trekking Yes 4 9 11 37 7 68
No 1 3 3 3 2 12
전체 5 12 14 40 9 80
85% of the surveyees heard of trekking and from the 85% 10% said they will definitely take part in trekking and 55% said they will and 16% said OK so 80% of the people who have heard gave a positive answer. In the other hand however 1 person from the people who have never heard of trekking said he/she will never take part in trekking and 4 people who have heard of trekking said they will never take part in trekking.
4-3-1. Customer Image
Even though the core customers of 20s and 30s have the tendencies which match our products they did not give a positive answer to the questions related to participation.
트레킹 불참 이유 응답자 수
힘들다 8 40%
등산이 싫다 2 10%
관심이 없다 2 10%
바쁘다 1 5%
귀찮다 1 5%
위험하다 4 20%
단조롭고 볼거리가 없다 2 10%
합계 20명(총 응답자 80명) 100%

After analyzing the research data the most frequent answer to the reason for not participating was because it is dangerous and it is difficult to enjoy. As trekking is a activity where you need a certain physical strength it is considered tiring to do on a weekend before going to work. Also as we are exploring the unknown and