슬롯 머신

[경영학] 유한킴벌리의 녹색경영-기업의 사회적 책임(CSR)을 중심으로(영문)

 1  [경영학] 유한킴벌리의 녹색경영-기업의 사회적 책임(CSR)을 중심으로(영문)-1
 2  [경영학] 유한킴벌리의 녹색경영-기업의 사회적 책임(CSR)을 중심으로(영문)-2
 3  [경영학] 유한킴벌리의 녹색경영-기업의 사회적 책임(CSR)을 중심으로(영문)-3
 4  [경영학] 유한킴벌리의 녹색경영-기업의 사회적 책임(CSR)을 중심으로(영문)-4
 5  [경영학] 유한킴벌리의 녹색경영-기업의 사회적 책임(CSR)을 중심으로(영문)-5
 6  [경영학] 유한킴벌리의 녹색경영-기업의 사회적 책임(CSR)을 중심으로(영문)-6
 7  [경영학] 유한킴벌리의 녹색경영-기업의 사회적 책임(CSR)을 중심으로(영문)-7
 8  [경영학] 유한킴벌리의 녹색경영-기업의 사회적 책임(CSR)을 중심으로(영문)-8
 9  [경영학] 유한킴벌리의 녹색경영-기업의 사회적 책임(CSR)을 중심으로(영문)-9
 10  [경영학] 유한킴벌리의 녹색경영-기업의 사회적 책임(CSR)을 중심으로(영문)-10
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[경영학] 유한킴벌리의 녹색경영-기업의 사회적 책임(CSR)을 중심으로(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
1.Intro.-Do you know Yuhan-Kimberly?
2.The spirit of Yuhan-Kimberly’s founder.
3.What is CSR?
4.The CSR activities of Yuhan-Kimberly.
5.The effect that CSR of Yuhan-kimberly affect on society and company.
6.Yuhan-Kimberly’s win-win policy.
7.The comparative analysis for CSR of Yuhan-Kimberly and CSR of other company.
8.limitation and supplement for Yuhan-Kimberly’s CSR


4. The CSR activities of Yuhan-Kimberly
1. Yuhan-Kimberly strives to plant trees in deserts.
Yuhan-Kinberly is planting many trees in desertification areas. It seems to be paradoxical but they think it is their responsibility that should be fulfilled necessarily. Because they can't but cutting trees to make their products they sell, they are trying to recovery their faults by planting trees. And these efforts are arousing up public opinion about environment.
(from the site of Yuhan-Kimberly)

2. They are campaigning through various media.
Yuhan-Kimberly is campaigning for various subject. For example, as you can see in this article, they are doing an campaign 'Making forest in school'.
It is for conservating environment and teaching children about the importance of nature. By doing this campaign, growing children are going to realize they have to protect and tend the environment.

(From the site of Yuhan-Kimberly)
3. Yuhan-Kimberly holds international symposiums about environment, lifelong education or camps.
Yuhan-Kimberly is trying to hold camps for students. For example, in 2008 'Green camp' was held. The purpose of the camp was experiencing forest and thinking about it. These camps or symposiums are giving some chance being able to feel the nature. And these experience in adolescent period can lead right thinking about environment when they become adults.
 The book ‘Understanding Business’ – written by Nickels/McHugh/McHugh.
 킴벌리 클라크 (www.kimberly-clark.com)
 유한킴벌리 (www.yuhan-kimberly.co.kr)
 한국능률협회 컨설팅부문 (consulting.kma.or.kr)
 정혜원(2004), , 서울 : 거름
 신강균(2003), “기업의 사회적 책임활동의 효과에 관한 연구, 유한킴벌리의 KKG 캠페인 20년 활동 사례를 중심으로”, 광고학연구 제14권 5호 시작쪽수 205p. 전체쪽수 17p. 1225-0554 KCI 등재
 신강균(2004), “기업캠페인과 브랜드자산 가치와의 상관관계 연구 : 유한킴벌리 사례를 중심으로”, 교수논총 제20호 (2004) pp.56-80 1225-2050
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