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[30점만점] 방송대 영작문2 중간과제 My Dream after Graduation

 1  [30점만점] 방송대 영작문2 중간과제 My Dream after Graduation-1
 2  [30점만점] 방송대 영작문2 중간과제 My Dream after Graduation-2
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[30점만점] 방송대 영작문2 중간과제 My Dream after Graduation에 대한 자료입니다.
My Dream after Graduation
My Dream after Graduation

I graduated from Seoul National University with a B.A. in German Language and Literature in 2002. Currently I work as administrative staff in the Office of Student Affairs at Konkuk University. I'm responsible for supporting students’ extracurricular activities and managing Students’ Overseas Travel Programs.

I used to want to become an English Teacher at high school in my school days, so I tried to go to college of education in order to study English Education. I thought I would be able to develop expertise in teaching foreign languages and help student develop personalities. I wanted to be one of the best educational leaders in middle or high schools in our country, but much to my sorrow, my CSAT(College Scholastic Ability Test) score was not good enough.
방송통신대 과제물 정보
개설학과 영어영문학과 개설학년 3학년
교과목명 영작문2
공통 다음의 주제 중 하나를 골라 400단어 내외의 영작을 하시오.

How to successfully study by oneself
My dream after graduation
The challenges of studying while working
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방송대 영작문2 중간과제물입니다. 30점 만점 받았습니다.
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