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[인사관리] 나이키스포츠코리아의 HR시스템(영문)

 1  [인사관리] 나이키스포츠코리아의 HR시스템(영문)-1
 2  [인사관리] 나이키스포츠코리아의 HR시스템(영문)-2
 3  [인사관리] 나이키스포츠코리아의 HR시스템(영문)-3
 4  [인사관리] 나이키스포츠코리아의 HR시스템(영문)-4
 5  [인사관리] 나이키스포츠코리아의 HR시스템(영문)-5
 6  [인사관리] 나이키스포츠코리아의 HR시스템(영문)-6
 7  [인사관리] 나이키스포츠코리아의 HR시스템(영문)-7
 8  [인사관리] 나이키스포츠코리아의 HR시스템(영문)-8
 9  [인사관리] 나이키스포츠코리아의 HR시스템(영문)-9
 10  [인사관리] 나이키스포츠코리아의 HR시스템(영문)-10
 11  [인사관리] 나이키스포츠코리아의 HR시스템(영문)-11
 12  [인사관리] 나이키스포츠코리아의 HR시스템(영문)-12
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[인사관리] 나이키스포츠코리아의 HR시스템(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
1. Why Our Team chose NIKE

2. about Nike Sports Korea
1) Sport Industry – definition
2) Business situation

3. HR system of Nike and its comparison with GE
1) Recruiting and staffing
2) Employee Evaluation
3) HR system
4) Compensation, benefit and other supports
5) Localization

4. Implication and what our team learned from the analysis
1. Why Our Team chose NIKE

HR system reflects not only its business but also other factors as cultural factor and employee factor. Throughout the class, we have learned HR system of GE case, which is U. S. Company, and the reason why GE came to have its own system by looking at the business situation at the moment. However, due to the limitation of U.S. case, we did not have a chance how GE's system is applied to other country at the local level, which may vary and be different reflecting all the factors around business.
This is why we choose Nike Sports Korea which is U.S multinational company doing business in Korea to study how multinational company's HR system is working at the local level. We believe by studying Nike Sport Korea's HR system, we will understand how multinational company's HR can be applied to Korea and further, to local countries

2. about Nike Sports Korea

1) Sport Industry – definition

Sport industry is the manufacturing of sport related goods, services, and ideas through the combination of sport activities with business, mass media, and politics. Unlike sport, which emphasizes participation of both players and spectators, sport industry aims at maximizing its economic profits and social effects. To achieve these goals, business, media, and politics cooperate on the basis of interdependence. Companies such as Nike, Adidas, Puma and etc. are doing businesses in the industry.
Adapted from wikipedia
2) Business situation

(1) The industry (US & Korea)
US, the well-known sports country, sport industry of the nation has over $300 billion scale(2002). Including sport goods, facilities, and other sport-related business, the size of US sport industry would be twice as big as that of car industry, and seven times bigger than film industry. Plus, the industry includes about 122,000 establishments.
In case of Korea, scale of the industry is estimated more than 19 trillion won, according to the statistics on service business(2005). If sport goods business is included, the size of the industry would be more than 20 trillion won. And that accounts 2.24% for the GDP of the country.
The industry in Korea has got into the stride since 1999 thanks to people's increasing participation on sports, and is now steadily growing.

(2) Financial situation (Korea)
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