슬롯 머신

무명의 복서에 드리는 영어 시

 1  무명의 복서에 드리는 영어 시-1
※ 미리보기 이미지는 최대 20페이지까지만 지원합니다.
  • 분야
  • 등록일
  • 페이지/형식
  • 구매가격
  • 적립금
  • 레포트 > 기타
  • 2024.07.03
  • 1페이지 / hwp
  • 100원
  • 3원 (구매자료 3% 적립)
자료 다운로드  네이버 로그인
무명의 복서에 드리는 영어 시에 대한 자료입니다.
In the Ring of Hope 무명의 복서에 드리는 영어 시

In the quiet dawn, before the world awakes,
You lace your gloves, each knot a silent pledge,
To fight not for fame, but for love’s sake,
A nameless warrior on life’s relentless edge.
Your fists may ache, your body bruised and worn,
Yet in your eyes, a fire fiercely burns,
For in the ring, a legacy is born,
Of sacrifice, where every blow returns.
Each jab, each hook, a testament to dreams,
Unseen by crowds, but felt in hearts so dear,
A dance of courage, where your spirit gleams,
Against the shadows of defeat and fear.
Remember this, when doubts begin to creep,
When sweat and blood seem far too much to give,
It’s for the love that you so fiercely keep,
For them, you fight, you strive, you live.
With every round, with every hard-fought breath,
You weave a story, brave and deeply true,
A tale of strength, that rises over death,
A hero’s heart, beats strong and proud in you.
So stand your ground, and let your spirit soar,
In every punch, let love be your refrain,
For though you fight in silence, evermore,
Your victory is in the hearts you’ve gained.
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무명의 복서에 드리는 영어 시
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