슬롯 머신

국내 화장품브랜드 중국시장 성공 방안(영문)

 1  국내 화장품브랜드 중국시장 성공 방안(영문)-1
 2  국내 화장품브랜드 중국시장 성공 방안(영문)-2
 3  국내 화장품브랜드 중국시장 성공 방안(영문)-3
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 7  국내 화장품브랜드 중국시장 성공 방안(영문)-7
 8  국내 화장품브랜드 중국시장 성공 방안(영문)-8
 9  국내 화장품브랜드 중국시장 성공 방안(영문)-9
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자료 다운로드  네이버 로그인
국내 화장품브랜드 중국시장 성공 방안(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
Ⅰ. Introduction.
Ⅱ. Chinese market conditions.
1. Global market analysis.
(1) Growing global cosmetics market.
2. The feature of Chinese cosmetic market.
(1) The 3rd largest cosmetic market in world.
(2) Drastic growth according to economic growth.
(3) Preference of foreign brands.
(4) Sales differences depending on regions.
Ⅲ. Foreign company’s strategy.
(1) Localization with diversification.
(2) Regional localization
(3) Localized employment
(4) CSR aActivities in China
2. The Procter & Gamble (P&G).
(1) Direct networks with agents.
(2) Localized employment.
(3) Federation of store-owners.
(4) Multi-brand strategy.
(5) Characteristic advertisements.
(6) Research and development (R&D).
3. Shiseido.
(1) High class strategy.
(2) Targeting Niche markets through a joint venture.
(3) Localization strategy.
Ⅳ. Korean company’s strategy.
1. Laneige.
(1) Brand strategy.
(2) Premium strategy.
(3) Promotion with Korea Wave.
(4) Local employment.
(5) Promotion events.
2. Mamonde.
(1) Diversification of sales channel.
(2) Localization strategy.
(3) Utilizing a variety of exercise for customer communications.
Ⅴ. Conclusions.
(1) Employ Chinese executives and workers.
(2) Focus on major cities.
(3) Improve brand-image.
(4) Don’t depend on Korean Wave.
(5) Diversify distribution channels.
(6) A new type of distribution channel; Korean cosmetics special store.
(7) Strengthen the design.
(8) Select M&A or joint-venture.
(9) Invest more on research and development
Ⅵ. Reference
Thus, our team decided to study about cosmetic market in China. We found that foreign companies like L’Oreal, Procter & Gamble Co and Shiseido have large portion of the China’s cosmetics market share while Korean companies have little portion of that. However, Korean beauty products also have high quality and Chinese people are favorable to Korean products. In other words, it is hard to understanding why Korean companies can’t be the market leader in Chinese cosmetics market. Therefore, in this paper we’re going to analyze and compare the marketing strategies of the foreign cosmetics companies and those of the Korean cosmetics companies in China. We conducted a study on the top 3 foreign cosmetics companies in Chinese cosmetic market-L’Oreal, Procter & Gamble Co and Shiseido-and two Korean cosmetic companies in China which can be the competitor with them- Laneige and Mamonde. After that, we will make some suggestion for Korean cosmetics companies to maximize their market share in Chinese cosmetics market, based on our analysis about Chinese cosmetic market. Thus, researching question of this paper is “what are the important factors to succeed in Chinese cosmetic market for Korean cosmetic companies?” and the paper will focus on finding the answer for this question.
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