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[국제경제] IPE 중국의 미래 발전(영문)

 1  [국제경제] IPE 중국의 미래 발전(영문)-1
 2  [국제경제] IPE 중국의 미래 발전(영문)-2
 3  [국제경제] IPE 중국의 미래 발전(영문)-3
 4  [국제경제] IPE 중국의 미래 발전(영문)-4
 5  [국제경제] IPE 중국의 미래 발전(영문)-5
 6  [국제경제] IPE 중국의 미래 발전(영문)-6
 7  [국제경제] IPE 중국의 미래 발전(영문)-7
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 12  [국제경제] IPE 중국의 미래 발전(영문)-12
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 16  [국제경제] IPE 중국의 미래 발전(영문)-16
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자료 다운로드  네이버 로그인
[국제경제] IPE 중국의 미래 발전(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
1. China’s Economic Growth
2. China and Africa, Chinafrica
3. China and TWO Koreas
4-1 China versus the United States
4-2 China versus the United States
5. Taiwan’s Declaration of Independence from China
6. China’s Imbalance and Solutions
7-1 Democratization in China
7-2. Democratization in China
Today’s China
Before we elaborate on our subject, we thought it is important to understand about the present situation of China. Thus, by comparing both China’s current and expected future situation, we’ve divided our sub-directions.
After implementing an open economy, China has been rapidly developing and eventually, they took a position as a 3rd leading nation in economic aspect. Also, with a 10% of growth rate (annually) they have been actively investing in education and technology to maintain their growth. These efforts have been successfully going on and this is crucial for china’s future development as well. In addition, China is continuously catching up the United States’ economy which is a current hegemonic leader. In political sense, since beginning of an open economy, China has been expanding their international relations through export-oriented policy and we believed it as an important consideration to be analyzed further.
However, due to the problem of their economic structure, their political characteristics and conflict with other nations like Taiwan, we thought there are still barriers to further economic growth of China. Todays, China has been suffering from ‘Twin Imbalance’ that means imbalance in regional development disparity and economic structure. In addition, with increasing demand for democracy and Taiwan’s declaration of independence from China, they are lying on the unstable status. We thought this imbalance and unstable status of China will be very big barrier for future economic development of China. So we decided to analyze about these problems.
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