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[비교문화경영] 한국과 일본, 중국 비즈니스 문화

 1  [비교문화경영] 한국과 일본, 중국 비즈니스 문화-1
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[비교문화경영] 한국과 일본, 중국 비즈니스 문화에 대한 자료입니다.
 Contents 
1. Introduction
2. Country Facts
3. Economics & Business Relationship
4. Business Culture
5. Business Communication
6. Business Negotiation
7. Conclusion
8. Reference
IV. Business Culture 장행복, ⌜중국 비즈니스 문화⌟, 신성출판사, 2007
//www.myjapanphone.com/business_culture.html (2011.5.12)
//www.worldbusinessculture.com (2011.5.12)

1. Korean Business Culture
Korean are famous for having hasty characteristics. They have strong collectivism.
Confucian ethics emphasise the value of collective group harmony, respect for authority (and therefore management), as well as the all embracing importance of family, clan and friendship. Thus, as in countries like Japan and China, the quality of the relationships developed are the real key to business success at both a personal and a corporate level. A Korean saying highlights the all-important nature of networking and relationships - 'make a friend first and a client second.' The key to creating good relationships lies in one's ability to play the Confucian game. It is important to appear to be an honourable, trustworthy and respectable person.
First meetings can often be completely dominated by the need to start the relationship-building process. Therefore, very little might be discussed which relates to the actual business in hand, with most time being spent exchanging pleasantries, discussing travel and other such seeming trivia. It is important not to show impatience or irritation at this stage. Rather view the meeting for what it is - the essential first steps in creating a, hopefully, rewarding and long-term business relationship.
The Koreans also employ a process of consensus decision-making in certain situations. This system ensures that the group feels involved in the decision, while ensuring that the manager can still maintain an influence over the outcome.
After all, It is important in these early stages to be viewed as a man of honour and this can be achieved by avoiding impatience and confrontation as well as by showing the right amount of respect to those people to whom respect is due - older more senior contacts. Try, therefore, to do some research on the people you will be meeting - who are the most important contacts?

1) Gift Giving
Gift giving is an endemic part of Korean business life and should not be confused with notions of bribery and corruption. Gifts should not be too lavish but should always be of good quality. It is important to take a number of small gifts to Korea to distribute to new and existing contacts.
Gifts should always be wrapped. Alcohol, especially good single malt whiskey and brandy is always an appreciated gift. Do not open the gift in front of the giver. It is polite to seem to refuse the gift a couple times before accepting.

2. Japan Business Culture
Generally, Japanese take it for granted that there are differences between what's on their minds and what they behave. So, they are very kind at the first meeting.
They have the strongest nationalism compared to Chinese and Korea.
Greetings in Japan are very formal and ritualized. It is important to show the correct amount of respect and deference to someone based upon their status relative to your own. If at all possible, wait to be introduced. It can be seen as impolite to introduce you, even in a large gathering. While foreigners are expected to shake hands, the traditional form of greeting is the bow. How far you bow depends upon your relationship
장행복, ⌜중국 비즈니스 문화⌟, 신성출판사, 2007
박준형, ⌜글로벌에티켓을 알아야 비즈니스에 성공한다⌟, 북쏠레, 2006
이승영 이종화 , ⌜글로벌 경영⌟, 보명 Books, 2006
장대환, ⌜국제기업협상⌟, 김영사, 1989
이승영, ⌜국제협상의 ABC⌟, 일신사, 1992

• Internet reference data
Wikipedia, //en.wikipedia.org
대한 무역 진흥 공사, //www.kotra.or.kr
My Japan Phone, //www.myjapanphone.com
World business culture, //www.worldbusinessculture.com
Kwintessential, //www.kwintessential.co.uk
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