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애플 성공요인 분석(영문)

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※ 미리보기 이미지는 최대 20페이지까지만 지원합니다.
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자료 다운로드  네이버 로그인
애플 성공요인 분석(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
1.Introduction of Apple and Steve Jobs
2.Apple’s history
3.Factor of Success
4.Conclusion : What we learn from Apple
Apple has a short history comparing other companies like GE, and Coca-Cola.
Flexible security policy

Unusual personnel management

Synergy effect
:Timothy Cook and
Steve jobs

Jobs Focuses a select few.

Interactive communication in developing new products.

Their discussion is almost dispute and fight when they develop product.

Apple’s COO.

“ You kind of want to manage it(electronic devices inventory management) like you're in the dairy business”
-Timothy cook

Dae-won Kim, Apple shock, The nan publishing, 2010.
Duglas Atkin, The culting of brands, Sejong sejeok, 2005.
Jeong-nam Kim, Apple and Nintendo, Gilbut, 2008.
Nobuyuki Hayashi, APPLE NO HOUSOUKU, EntersKorea, 2008
Nobuyuki Hayashi, IPHONE SHOCK, Iconbooks, 2010
Jeffrey S. Young, ICON:Steve Jobs,The greatest second act in the history of business, Minumsa, 2005

Online services and the Internet image
“Apple 1”, 28 March 2003,
“Macintosh”,4 Jan 2006,
“Pipin”, 19 August 2009,

“Newton”, 7 July 2007,
“ipod”, 18 March 2009,
“iphone”, 9 April 2009,

“Anycall Logo”, 8 November 2010,
“Cyon Logo”, 8 November 2010,
 ”Appleholic”, 8 March 2008,

“Why she using a mac book” 18 october. 2010.

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