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[인적자원관리] 노드스톰(Nordstrom)의 인사제도 사례(영문)

 1  [인적자원관리] 노드스톰(Nordstrom)의 인사제도 사례(영문)-1
 2  [인적자원관리] 노드스톰(Nordstrom)의 인사제도 사례(영문)-2
 3  [인적자원관리] 노드스톰(Nordstrom)의 인사제도 사례(영문)-3
 4  [인적자원관리] 노드스톰(Nordstrom)의 인사제도 사례(영문)-4
 5  [인적자원관리] 노드스톰(Nordstrom)의 인사제도 사례(영문)-5
 6  [인적자원관리] 노드스톰(Nordstrom)의 인사제도 사례(영문)-6
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[인적자원관리] 노드스톰(Nordstrom)의 인사제도 사례(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
HRM과 관련된 policy찾기!!

1. 망한 회사와 노드스트롬의 보상시스템과 empowerment 시스템을 비교해서 적용하기!!
-service의 차이!!

2. 노드스트롬의 문제점 찾아내서 개선방향 제시!!

1. Reason of Choice
2. Basic resources
3. Human resources management about Nordstrom
4. Compare with competition
5. Group opinion
6. References
3. Human resources management about Nordstrom
A. The reward system in Nordstrom
1) The people those who works over 1000 hours in year will be give benefit allotment. The amount of money will be decided following three contents. The three things are total amount as fixing by director, length of service and the income of staff.
2) Sailing commission
: The commission is various each department, 5~10%. The Nordstrom records staff's sales per hour every day. If the staff's result is not good, the manager consults weak points. Whether the results don’t improve, the staff would be fired.
3) Diversity incentive
① Sale increase: In average, the 1% of pre year sale result. Certain case, the incentive will be paid amount of money about goal achievement.
② Expenses goals as a percent of sales
③ Shortage target: This a new goal relatively.
: The suggested incentive system will be modified certain case. For example, the change of occupation is high; the corporation gives more bonuses to worker.
4) Various award system
①Customer service award
: All stores participates this contest for receiving award. There are no qualifications, the participants must hand in data relating complaint letter.
②All star award
: The investigation standards are nice value, creative goods, superior sales or combined these standards.
③Pace Setters Club
: This award consider sales outcome. The Nordstrom thinks these awards to make workers actively.

B. Characteristic systems of Nordstrom
① Nordstrom don't employ external worker, don't honor other corporation.
: Nordstrom doesn’t employ external manager because only internal staffs understand Nordstrom’s culture. So they protect these principles. If they honored other store, they didn't remodeling. The customers maintain is difficult thing in new market. But if honored other store and remodel is more difficult. Because the existing culture change has problem.
② Inside promotion system offering diverse opportunity.
: Nordstrom has an inside promotion system. It offers opportunities for advancement within the company. Nordstrom didn't recruit new person, although the store opened at the new place. They cover all staff that transferred from other state. There is no company giving opportunities to their employees than Nordstrom. Now, Nordstrom's inside promotion systems was established by cultures and traditions not a policy. Common department stores have few woman managers. But Nordstrom changed this practice. According to search, Up to 70% of Nordstrom's managers are women. They also purchased everything from manufacturer operated by women or minority. Nordstrom chosen for one of the 100 company giving best opportunities to Hispanic by 'Hispanic magazine'. In this respects, Nordstrom also come under 100 Business Company that American people prefer to work by 'fortune'. They are an established company with a good reputation.
C. Empowerment
: Empowerment means delegating
6. References
 //www.nordstrom.com
 //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nordstrom
 //shop.nordstorm.com
 노드스트롬의 서비스 신화
 Macy’s.com
 //money.cnn.com/video/fortune/2008/09/18
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