슬롯 머신

[외식경영] Compass group USA(영문)

 1  [외식경영] Compass group USA(영문)-1
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 13  [외식경영] Compass group USA(영문)-13
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[외식경영] Compass group USA(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
1. Introduction

◉Compass Group

◉Compass group USA


◉Mission – sets out how we are going to achieve this

◉Guiding Principles

◉Culture: People with Passion


2. Markets Served

◉Corporate Dining

◉Vending services

◉Restaurants services


◉Sports & Entertainment


◉Strategic Partners

3. competitors

◉ARAMARK Corporation

◉Sodexo Alliance

◉Delaware North Companies

4. Reference site

5. SWOT Analysis

◉Strength of the Compass Group USA

◉Weakness of the Compass Group USA

◉Opportunity of the Compass Group USA

◉Threat of the Compass Group USA

◉Guiding Principles
" these set out what guides our decision making "
⦁Safety, Health and Environment First – never to compromise on the health and safety of our customers and our people, and to manage responsibly the impact that our business has on the environment.
⦁Delivering for Clients and Consumers – to earn the continued loyalty of our customers by consistently demonstrating why we are the first choice for quality, service, value and innovation.
⦁Developing our People and Valuing Diversity – to recognize the diversity and contribution of our people. We create a work environment that is challenging and provides the opportunities and support for everyone to develop, learn and succeed.
⦁Profitable Growth – to deliver shareholder value through disciplined, sustainable growth, underpinned by strong governance, that contributes to and leverages the benefits of our global scale.
⦁Constant Focus on Performance and Efficiency – to deliver the highest quality and performance, whilst relentlessly driving to be the lowest cost, most efficient provider.

◉Culture: People with Passion
⦁People are at the heart of our business. It is because of our people that we are the leading foodservice company, providing exceptional food and service to our clients and customers.
⦁At Compass Group North America each associate has a passion for quality, teamwork and a can-do attitude. You can see it in the way our associates conduct themselves personally and professionally.
⦁Through openness, trust and integrity, we strive as a team to make a positive impact – on our customers and clients, on each other, and on our communities.
⦁Because we share goals, we also share successes! We help our associates develop their careers as they help us develop a stronger, diverse organization. Compass Group is committed to providing associates with training, support and rewards every step of the way.
⦁We are about three things: Great People, delivering Great Service, achieving Great Results!

⦁Outtakes is a multi-faceted solution to convenience retailing needs. Whether you need a comprehensive Food-to-Go program, an exciting upscale convenience store or a scaled down dining center, Outtakes provides a variety of unique solutions for every convenience retailing opportunity.
⦁Market Central brings excitement back to the vending area. Great food, exciting contemporary environments and exceptional service combine to offer customers a dining experience they’ll remember and repeat. Canteen’s innovative and practical solution to automated food services provides a unique setting where customers can enjoy branded restaurant food.
⦁Coyote Jack’s Grill is Compass Groups’ char-grilled burger and chicken concept with southwestern flair. Southwestern colors and motifs adorn the walls, but the real impact comes from a selection of our own Wild West condiments. And, who better to tell the story than Coyote Jack, master of the campfire grill!
⦁Mondo Subs is Compass’ own retail Submarine sandwich brand which offers a fantastic combination of freshly baked breads packed with the finest meats, cheeses and freshest toppings. Each sub and salad is made with our unique blend of spices
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