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Lecture Note_AI Based Strategic Management_Prof Dong Sung, Cho

 1  Lecture Note_AI Based Strategic Management_Prof Dong Sung, Cho-1
 2  Lecture Note_AI Based Strategic Management_Prof Dong Sung, Cho-2
 3  Lecture Note_AI Based Strategic Management_Prof Dong Sung, Cho-3
 4  Lecture Note_AI Based Strategic Management_Prof Dong Sung, Cho-4
 5  Lecture Note_AI Based Strategic Management_Prof Dong Sung, Cho-5
 6  Lecture Note_AI Based Strategic Management_Prof Dong Sung, Cho-6
 7  Lecture Note_AI Based Strategic Management_Prof Dong Sung, Cho-7
 8  Lecture Note_AI Based Strategic Management_Prof Dong Sung, Cho-8
 9  Lecture Note_AI Based Strategic Management_Prof Dong Sung, Cho-9
 10  Lecture Note_AI Based Strategic Management_Prof Dong Sung, Cho-10
 11  Lecture Note_AI Based Strategic Management_Prof Dong Sung, Cho-11
 12  Lecture Note_AI Based Strategic Management_Prof Dong Sung, Cho-12
 13  Lecture Note_AI Based Strategic Management_Prof Dong Sung, Cho-13
 14  Lecture Note_AI Based Strategic Management_Prof Dong Sung, Cho-14
 15  Lecture Note_AI Based Strategic Management_Prof Dong Sung, Cho-15
 16  Lecture Note_AI Based Strategic Management_Prof Dong Sung, Cho-16
 17  Lecture Note_AI Based Strategic Management_Prof Dong Sung, Cho-17
 18  Lecture Note_AI Based Strategic Management_Prof Dong Sung, Cho-18
 19  Lecture Note_AI Based Strategic Management_Prof Dong Sung, Cho-19
 20  Lecture Note_AI Based Strategic Management_Prof Dong Sung, Cho-20
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Lecture Note_AI Based Strategic Management_Prof Dong Sung, Cho에 대한 자료입니다.
AI-Based Strategic Management (May-June 2021) Copyright by Prof. Dong-sung.Cho2
Day 2
Classes 6~8
AI-Based Strategic Management
AI-Based Strategic Management (May-June 2021) Copyright by Prof. Dong-sung.Cho3
The Mechanism-Based View
AI-Based Strategic Management (May-June 2021) Copyright by Prof. Dong-sung.Cho4
Table of Contents of the MBV
1. Evolution of the MBV Thought
AI-Based Strategic Management (May-June 2021) Copyright by Prof. Dong-sung.Cho5
Evolution of the MBV Thought
December 1973: Trials and errors at the MBA classes of HBS
AI-Based Strategic Management (May-June 2021) Copyright by Prof. Dong-sung.Cho6
1) Pre-MBV
AI-Based Strategic Management (May-June 2021) Copyright by Prof. Dong-sung.Cho7
2) Identifying the word “Mechanism”
AI-Based Strategic Management (May-June 2021) Copyright by Prof. Dong-sung.Cho8
3) Mechanism at the center of SER
Mechanism is
the eventual
source of
Environment Resources
AI-Based Strategic Management (May-June 2021) Copyright by Prof. Dong-sung.Cho9
Evolution of the MBV Thought
December 1973: Trials and errors at the MBA classes of HBS
December 1992: Application of SER-M Framework to the project
on “The shift of axis in the global semiconductor industry”
AI-Based Strategic Management (May-June 2021) Copyright by Prof. Dong-sung.Cho10
Path of determination
Path of influence주체
4) Mechanism as a mediating variable
AI-Based Strategic Management (May-June 2021) Copyright by Prof. Dong-sung.Cho11
Examples of Applying “Mechanism”
Control mechanism; Hart, 1988
Internal control mechanism; Walsh & Seward, 1990
Administrative mechanism; Roth, Schweiger & Morrison, 1991
Governance mechanism; Rediker & Seth, 1995
Coordinating mechanism; John & Rue, 1997
Isolating mechanism; Knott, 2003
Market mechanism
Price mechanism
Feedback mechanism
Growth mechanism
Mechanism for sustainable change
Mechanism of resilience
AI-Based Strategic Management (May-June 2021) Copyright by Prof. Dong-sung.Cho12
Difficulties in the Mechanism Research
Conceptual research
MBV is not a theory but a paradigm
→MBV is not for hypothesis testing
Study of MBV application
instead of MBV theorization
AI-Based Strategic Management (May-June 2021) Copyright by Prof. Dong-sung.Cho13
Evolution of the MBV Thought
December 1973: Trials and errors at the MBA classes of HBS
December 1992: Application of SER-M Framework to the project on “The
shift of axis in the global semiconductor industry”
1993 ~ present: Application of MBV to various projects such as:
Strategy: Relatedness of diversification as transferability of “mechanism”
International business: Categorization of globalization processes into 4
stages of Localization→Loc-balization→Globalization→Glo-calization
Marketing: Identification of “New tribe” as a means for developing a new
business model
AI-Based Strategic Management (May-June 2021) Copyright by Prof. Dong-sung.Cho14
Difficulties in the Mechanism Research
Conceptual research
MBV is not a theory but a paradigm.
→MBV is not for hypothesis testing.
MBV is not a visible phenomenon
but an invisible concept.
→MBV is not easily quantified.
MBV is not a subject of analysis but
→Reductionism-oriented Western
scholars do not favor Holism-oriented
Study of MBV application
instead of MBV theorization
Research output in monographs
instead of journal articles
Jack Welch and Communistic
Chinese government support
AI-Based Strategic Management (May-June 2021) Copyright by Prof. Dong-sung.Cho15
Jack Welch, Former Chairman of GE
Supporters of MBV
AI-Based Strategic Management (May-June 2021) Copyright by Prof. Dong-sung.Cho16
AI-Based Strategic Management (May-June 2021) Copyright by Prof. Dong-sung.Cho17
Jack Welch talks on the Mechanism (1)
October 22, 2001, in Jack Welch’s Manhattan Office
C: It seems that there are 4 sources of that influence a firms performance. One is subject, like
the Subject, the leader, the second is the environment. you have to have a certain luck, the third
is internal resources, the money, technology, the fourth one is a kind ofmechanism that is
embedded within the organization. so, even when people change, environment change, resources
change, the mechanism remains. Among the 4, what do you think (is more important than the
J: Fourthone. The operating system. which is what we have. We will have an
operating system that Jeff can inherit tomorrow morning.. Hes done it already. and,
whether Im there or hes there, the Subject, will be able to drive that mechanism. And
the rigor of that mechanism, of the annual evaluation of the people, done, basically
every six months, over and over and over again.
AI-Based Strategic Management (May-June 2021) Copyright by Prof. Dong-sung.Cho18
GE’s oper
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